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Submit proposal

Did you manage to meet all the criteria, define and allocate the different roles of the core-team and draft the set-up of your educational design?

Great job! You are all set to become part of our EWUU CBL course offer. Time to submit the official proposal, using the templates and following the steps below.

1. EWUU Challenge Proposal

Here is a preview of the proposal form in PDF for your information to see which pieces of information are required. You can fill in the text boxes, save your edits and download your version. However, for the best user experience, we recommend you download the proposal form first and complete the file on your computer using your PDF reader.

2. EWUU Challenge Budget

We advise planning the financial part of your challenge by using the EWUU budget template.

Please download the file and fill in the budget plans.

3. Submit proposal

Once your Challenge Proposal PDF and Challenge Budget sheet are filled in, please send them to ewuu.challenges@uu.nl.