In the preparation, execution and completion of a CBL course, the course coordinators are responsible for the overall quality. Based on their expertise, they should be able to ensure the quality and coherence of the educational design and potential outcomes.
This role can be fulfilled by one or more members of our academic staff and resembles the role of the lecturer. Ideally, the core team of a CBL course would consist of one representative from every EWUU alliance institute.
- Affiliated to one of the alliance institutes as part the academic staff.
- Able to be responsible for ongoing and final learner assessment.
- Passionate about the topic domain, with appropriate expertise, and eager to collaborate.
- Open to (or experience in) innovative education and CBL.
- Fully available and committed to developing and executing the educational design.
Task and Responsibilities
In the preparation phase of the CBL course, the course coordinator shapes the educational design which includes learning objectives, learner journeys, learner deliverables, assessment procedures, rubric criteria etc. They ensure the learners’ work resonates with the research and expertise within our institutes.
The course coordinator is responsible for the registration of the CBL course to the home institute of the course. For example, if the course coordinator is from Utrecht University, then the course will be registered in Utrecht University and students will be receiving their credits from this university. Throughout the course, the course coordinator together with the rest of the core team is responsible for structuring the learning process by facilitating milestone moments and continuous formative assessment. Course coordinators are part of the assessment panel and thus part-responsible for the final assessment of each participant.
For more information about how to design a course see the educational design section. You could also learn more about how to redesign a course.