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A coach supports a learner team through the learning process from challenge to (proposed) solution. For the coach, the focus is not on the validity of the solution but on the steps of the process and the learners’ journeys. It is a prerequisite that the coach follows a training prior to the kick-off.   

Coaches can be external, sourced by the challenge agent, and/or affiliated to different parts of our organisations within the EWUU alliance. When facilitated well, a pool of coaches with varying skillsets can help create a rich community of practice.


  • Affiliated to one of the participating partners as part of its academic staff.   
  • Motivated to/experienced in working with learners (preferably in a CBL context). 
  • Affiliation to design thinking, project management, teamwork & team dynamics management. 

Tasks & responsibilities

Every interdisciplinary team of 4-6 learners has a (professional) coach. The learners are in charge of scheduling and preparing meetings with their coach(es). In a flexible and learner-led way, the coach meets with the team to support their process. The meetings focus on team building, team process and project progress. It is key that the coach facilitates, observes and guides the team dynamics in terms of smooth collaboration between the team members. When needed, coaches can intervene and support on a process level in terms of time management, project planning, communications etc.

In our CBL courses, each learner formulates personal learning objectives and regularly reflects on their learning process. Individual coaching meetings are recommended, to support this process. An individual learner’s path is often the main priority of the coach’s role in our alliance courses. We advise at least three individual meetings per learner (assuming a ±20-week duration). In the final phase, the coach reviews the learner’s specific deliverables and has an important advisory role in the assessment of the individual’s process. 

Throughout the process trainings and alignment meetings will be facilitated for the coaches. Regardless of the amount of experience with coaching and/or CBL it is important to align expectations and learn from each other. 

For examples of courses, review our case studies or check the resource section for our resources on coaching.